Started designing the next steps for my tattoo, and a few doodles on paper I re-drew the preferred ones on Google draw. these are the ones that made the short list:
Duel semi spirals crop circle |
I decided the larger duel semi spirals crop circle would fit on my chest and use an existing circle on my chest as the larger open circle and work away from there and try and encompass my other nipple in the design, as i have already used one nipple in my previous designs. I overlaid the design of a picture of my chest, and amended the rotation of the design and made minor tweaks to make it look and fit better. I would have the smaller solid circles follow my chest and not run onto my arm. I don't have the knowledge to create a 3D digital model of myself, and overlay the tattoos in position, so I'll have to cope with 2D versions of 3D objects.
Duel semi spirals crop circle tattoo idea. |
With this design it leaves a lot of white space above the new duel semi spirals, I played with adding the other smaller designs but they just didn't quite fit, and I had already decided they would go on my shoulder above the New Zealand Koru and Australian water hole map.
After being inspired by reading Buzz Aldrin's book and watch the sky at night, i spotted a detailed lunascape and the amazing and random patterns left by meteor strikes. i though the patterns would make a great addition to my tattoo. I put some research in to where Apollo 11 landed (the first moon landing) and found Google have mapped the moon rather well and i manged to find a great topography map of the specific area i wanted.
Julius Caesar area of Mare Tranquillitatis on The Moon. |
Next all I had to do was outline the craters again using Google draw, and then copy the crater outlines onto the picture of my torso. I've used a star to mark the landing site for the Apollo 11 mission but this may change, I chose a star as its such a strong symbol of America, but I've also though about using XI, or an alien symbol. This leaves the below template ready to be printed to scale and given to a tattoo artist.
80% there and ready to be inked. |
Something just didn't look right so I've added more circles to the duel semi spiral design, also the circles on the moonscape were a little to oval so they needed a tweak too i'm loosing the star that marks the Apollo 11 mission landing site and replacing it with the Klingon symbol for 11.
Final version, ready for printing and to be given to the tattoo artist. |
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